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Time Love & Respect

November 30, 2023

Last weekend were the football state playoffs in Colorado. It was cold but there are championships up for grabs so we put on our warmest outdoor gear and drove to the stadium to cheer on my nephew. 

It was 21 degrees as we piled out of our cars and headed toward the stands. I saw everyone in the same balancing act. Not only were we dressed as though we were headed out on the mountain to ski, but we were overloaded with stadium chairs, blankets, bags of extra blankets, and hand warmers all while trying not to spill our hot cocoa.

When we sat down in the stadium we were sitting in snow banks. I stomped my feet and clapped my hands as I cheered for my team (but more in an effort to stay warm if I am being honest). 

The other team scored and I watched the fans go wild. All those parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and siblings on their feet screaming. We were silent.

Then we scored! We returned the enthusiasm! They returned the silence...

Our team won in the last 60 seconds. We are headed to state! BUT this isn’t about the game or the cold… it is a set up for the real lesson so I’ll continue…

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I watched the teams line up on the 50 yard line for the sportsmanship handshake. Good game. Good game. Good game.

I watched as several of our star players went and found the star players from the other team and gave them a man’s handshake - a handshake that ended in a one armed hug. It’s the sportsmanship that makes sports so special. Duke it out, but then shake hands. 

Sports are fun, but the person matters more than the sport. 

All of the families filed out of the stands to greet their kiddos on the field. I hung back for a few moments to watch the hordes of people. There were three times as many supporters as there were players. Probably more actually. For my nephew alone there were 12 of us!

Here comes the moral of this message…

We all know it takes a village to raise a child. It is fun to show up for the wins, but it is important to show up for the losses. It is important to show up! We get so caught up in our own worlds we forget sometimes we really don’t have to “do” or “say” anything. We just have to “be” there.

I’m always looking for a way to give back, to help someone out, to share my talents, to serve others. I think most people are. So often I think I have to buy something or donate something when the fact is I really just need to show up. I need to be someone people can count on. I need to do what I say. Sometimes it's as simple as showing up.

During this crazy season of our race toward Christmas I want to be your gentle reminder that our presence is the best present. So while we are looking at our budgets and trying to find the most thoughtful gifts, perhaps we are really just overcomplicating it. 

Everyone of those football players (especially on the sidelines) had eyes in the back of their helmets. They knew who was there for them. Your presence counts.

While showing up may feel like another obligation of yet another sporting event or another Christmas concert or another “whatever”, remember… you are the gift. Your time is the gift. Being there is showing love and isn’t love the most important thing this season?

Showing up for those we love not only shows love, but also shows respect for the hard work, the time, and the effort people put into their games, their concerts, and their “whatever”. At the end of the day the best gift we can give to anyone is love wrapped with respect. 

In the moments of your attendance to an event (and as your mind is trying to remind you of your list of other obligations therefore you really don’t have time for this… or its just too cold) you can put your mind at ease that you are investing in the future of our children which is the future of our communities and the future of our country. 

The best investment we can make is love and respect for one another and it's as simple as showing up.


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