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Well shoot. That didn't go as planned.

April 25, 2024

Last week I talked about silencing the inner critic and I admitted to fighting insecurities. I want to expand on that. 

A few weeks ago nothing went as planned, yet the plan had been “planned” for months! I had no choice but to shout “plot twist” and go with the non-plan plan. 

Here’s what happened: I had a specific conference on my calendar and was scheduled to give two keynotes and attend the banquet dinner as an honored guest. I had been prepping for 1000 attendees for several months… then came the weather forecast. 

Blizzard conditions. 

Conference canceled.

We are working on the reschedule but that doesn’t change the amount of HOURS lost in prep. There was a silver lining (usually is if you look for it). 

It just so happened there was another conference happening where I live (no blizzard in the forecast) so I signed up for a last minute full price ticket. Again, 1000 people expected. This time I was an attendee, not a keynote speaker.

I was so uncomfortable getting in my car and driving downtown. Was this going to be money well spent? Would I gain anything valuable? Am I going to feel like a fish out of water for the next two solid days? Probably! I was having all the feelings of an attendee which are totally different than the adrenaline rush of being on the main stage. What if I got lost in the crowd? 

Does this sound strange to hear from a speaker who has entertained crowds of 10 to 35,000?

I have an interesting personality trait: when I am a number in a crowd I tend to “turtle”. If I don’t have something specific I’m supposed to be doing I go into my shell. I get so nervous my teeth even chatter (whether I’m cold or not) and I turn inward. I first discovered this trait in high school and really fought it during my time at Miss America. I know the more you do something the easier it gets but I still fight the urge to turtle.

I received two great pieces of advice about my turtling traits the week of the conference and I want to pass that on to you.

  • Just go and be present. Let God take care of the details.
  • They can’t eat you! Do not become turtle soup!

One made me laugh and the other put my heart at ease. When it comes to conferences, sales, and new situations in general this is OUR reminder “they can’t eat you” so walk into the situation. Go! Be uncomfortable. The more you do the uncomfortable the easier it gets. Remember, they can’t eat you so let go and let God take care of the details. By the way, I’ve never seen turtle soup served at a conference.

As it goes, the conference turned out great! I learned A LOT and I made some new friends. I’ll admit the first day felt a little rough but the second day came with some recognized faces and more genuine conversations. I’m so glad I stepped into the uncomfortable, kept my head out of my shell, and went for it. Thankfully they served chicken for lunch. That is one thing I am not: chicken.

 Final thoughts for today’s message:

  • Life rarely goes as planned.
  • The plot twists come with silver linings. 
  • EVERYONE has insecurities (not just you). 
  • Put yourself out there because there are things to learn and people to meet.

xoxo adrienne.jpg

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