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Life Has Altered You As It Has Altered Me

April 4, 2024

I ended up with the Covid-flu in January. I call it the covid-flu because I don’t know which one it was nor do I care. It knocked me on my butt for four solid days and then zapped me of my energy for weeks.

Woe is not me. I’m just doing some basic reporting so I can justify the fact I rewatched the entire Downtown Abbey series… all six seasons! What a great show. Despite my raging sickness, I wrote down a few quotes so I could share them with you! They were that good. 

Here is the first one…

“Life has altered you as it has altered me, what would be the point in living if we didn’t let life change us.” 

Digest that for a moment. We get so caught up in what didn’t go our way (or the dream that didn’t happen) that we forget to yell PLOT TWIST and move on. Instead we stand still and cry about our loss. I’m the first to admit there is a time for tears, but after a while you pick yourself up, take the lessons you have learned, and move forward. The pursuit of any dream or goal despite the outcome gives you skills to move in the direction of a better version of yourself!

I’ve worked with thousands of teenagers helping them to pursue their dreams. I ask them to dream big, to write it down, develop a plan, and then act on that plan. At the end of our time together, I tell them their dream will probably not look like what they wrote: silence fills the room. I take a few beats to let them contemplate the fact a “motivational” speaker just told them their dreams won’t look like their dreams… then I tell them in a whisper, “It will be better!

Life indeed alters us and that's okay. How boring if it didn’t. It is up to you if you let it alter you for the better. You cannot always control your circumstances but you can control how you respond to those circumstances.

The next quote… 

“You have a talent. Find out what it is and use it. It’s doing nothing that's the enemy.”

This one is simple… don’t waste the gifts God has given you.

Please allow life to teach you the lessons and use your gifts to make the world a better place!

Have a blessed day.

xoxo adrienne.jpg

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