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I Discovered A Super Power!

February 1, 2024

I discovered I have a superpower! 

I’m still learning how to engage it and use it for the betterment of humankind, but I’m on my way!

When I first discovered this superpower I felt liberated and I knew I could change the world; however, I will admit sometimes I get over excited and I burn through my power too fast. The good news: I can re-engage my power no matter how many times I overuse it! Luckily modern medicine even has solutions should my ability ever deteriorate and I need some help making it operate. 

To engage this superhuman ability I must also engage my mind and my willpower. Most superpowers work that way. Haven’t you been to the movies? 

I will admit I was a little disappointed to learn EVERYONE has this superpower. I thought I was special. What makes me special is I am figuring out how to utilize and make good use of it. Most people go their whole lives and never engage their power or find the discipline to change the world with it. 

Since we share this superpower I suppose I should tell you what it is.

But, this is your forewarning that it comes with responsibility. Once you know what it is you have to use it!

Our superpower is listening. But it's not just listening, it's active listening. 

Everyone wants to be heard. Everyone wants to know they matter. Everyone wants to know their life experiences count for something. 

You can give others so much validation and respect by just listening! That is a superpower! Sound silly? If so, then you probably aren’t effectively using your superpower. 

Anyone who knows me from my childhood, knows I was always in trouble for talking. I had a lot to say! BUT I have learned the power of influence comes from listening. Kind of feels like an oxymoron doesn’t it? 

For the next several days or weeks pay attention to your interactions. When you meet someone and you say to yourself wow, I liked that person or they were really nice pay attention to who did the majority of the talking! It was probably you. 

If you want to be heard then you need to talk less. When you do speak, everyone will listen.

Our family gatherings are loud and everyone is usually talking over each other. At Christmas I listened to someone ask one of the college nieces some specifics about her accounting classes. Four uncles chimed in with wise cracks and answers before they even gave her a chance to speak. This is pretty normal. It's not necessarily a bad thing as it is part of the family dynamic (a large Polish and Mexican Catholic family), but at that same Christmas gathering I got to listen to the most interesting person in the room - the 98 year old relative who came in and was sitting in the living room while everyone was buzzing around him. I watched my husband sit down and ask him about his life. He was more than happy to share his life experiences... It is becoming more and more rare to meet a WWII veteran. Who do you think had more important things to share, my husband or the WWII veteran who also had 98 years of life experience? Our elderly usually get overlooked when they have the most important wisdom to share. When we give them our ear we give them validation and respect which lets them know I see you and you matter to me. Making someone feel important, validated, and respected is one of the most powerful superpowers in the world! Yes, it can fight crime and save lives! 

I will leave you with this... 

In order to use your superpower you must look for opportunities. Your superpower takes time to develop and is an active power (most people think listening is passive but it isn’t). If you are struggling to stay focused on what someone is saying imagine their words playing out in your mind as an action movie. Picture it. By picturing it, you stay in the moment and engaged in your power. I was actually taught to picture a question when I was prepping for Miss America. It helps you stay quick on your feet and it keeps your mind from wandering. 

Now you know your superpower. Go forth into the world and use it!

xoxo adrienne.jpg

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